Written/Performed by Tony Moss
Produced/Arranged by Jonathan Hakakian
Record Label: I.AM.LIFE MUSIC
Additional Credited Individuals:
Tony Moss: Songwriter, Lyricist, Lead Vocalist
Jonathan Hakakian: Producer, Composer, Songwriter, Arranger, Engineer, Mixing Engineer, Session Musician (Wurlitzer, Background Vocals)
Thai Long: Tracking Engineer
Gerry “The Gov” Brown: Mixing Engineer
Patrick Elliot: Mixing Engineer
Joseph Bozzie: Mastering Engineer (Bernie Grundman Mastering)
Evan Lasry - Assistant Engineer
Danny Pritchet: Session Musician (Upright Bass)
Sam Babayan: Session Musician (Guitar, Background Vocals)
Shey Goodwin: Session Musician (Drums)
Dylan James Byrne: Session Musician (Background Vocals)
Diana Carr: Session Musician (Background Vocals)
Haize Hawke: Session Musician (Background Vocals)
Larisa Gosla: Session Musician (Background Vocals)
-Skye Weaver: Session Musician (Background Vocals)
Michael Vincze: Session Musician (Background Vocals)
Emily Elbert: Session Musician (Background Vocals)
Ksenia Luki: Session Musician (Background Vocals)
Shireen Jarrahian: Session Musician (Background Vocals)
Virginia Luke: Session Musician (Violin)
Rachel Grotenhuis Session Musician (Violin)
Lacy Rostyak Session Musician (Violin)
Stephanie Moorehouse Session Musician (Violin)
Laurann Estevez Session Musician (Viola)
Madeline Falcone Session Musician (Viola)
Irina Chirkova Session Musician (Cello)
Adrienne Woods Session Musician (Cello)

In my years of working with people in the area of conflict resolution, depression, anxiety, and trauma, one thing I've learned is that often the answer to our modern worries and troubles is just gratitude - for what's already been given. Gratitude is not an abstract concept: it is an energetic state, a practice, and a way of being in the world. A good friend once told me, "Often, the most potent prayer is, 'Thank You'".
~ T. Moss
I especially dedicate this song to The Stovall Sisters: my mother, Rejoyce, and aunties, Nettie and Lillian, for who I am eternally Grateful.