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Thanks for your interest. I am a recording artist, sometimes producer, and creative director at I.AM.LIFE MUSIC, where my focus is music as medicine.

Born from a musical family of R&B/Gospel singers, raised & immersed in California's psychedelic/spiritual cultures, and inspired by over 25 years experience working with plant medicines, I combine elements of science, spirituality, and shamanism with multiple music genres.

At this point in my life, everything I create and offer is motivated by a desire to contribute to the elevation & expansion of human consciousness. Why not?


What most motivates my participation in life, besides brining beauty into it,

is the idea that the most lasting, sustainable way forward for humanity is bringing together the best of indigenous and modern world views: our knowledge, wisdom, and technologies - a union of ancient and new understandings that accelerates the evolution and expansion of human consciousness.

From my experience, responsible, intentional, ceremonial, and psycho-spiritual therapeutic use of plant medicines and entheogens consistently offers all the above, helping to heal our shared historic ancestral traumas, restoring our sense of connection, and, as my lifelong friend, Sunny Solwind, says, "cure us of stupidity".

why "P l a n t  m e d i c i n e s"
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